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html coding - Part 2 - Introduction to HTML

 Let's start with the basics of HTML. 

Here's a detailed lesson on Introduction to HTML:

What is HTML?

HTML is a markup language used to create web pages. It's the standard language used to structure and present content on the web. HTML is not a programming language, but rather a way to describe the content and layout of a web page.

Basic Syntax and Structure

HTML syntax consists of:
  • Elements: Represented by tags (<>), which usually come in pairs (opening and closing).
  • Tags: Surround content with < and >.
  • Attributes: Provide additional information about an element, placed inside the opening tag.
  • Content: The text or other elements inside an element.
<p id="intro" class="highlight">This is a paragraph of text.</p>
In this example:
  • <p> is the opening tag.
  • id="intro" is an attribute.
  • class="highlight" is another attribute.
  • This is a paragraph of text. is the content.
  • </p> is the closing tag.
HTML Versions
Here's a brief overview of HTML versions:
  • HTML 1.0 (1993): The first version, introduced basic elements like headings, paragraphs, and links.
  • HTML 2.0 (1995): Added tables, forms, and new elements.
  • HTML 3.2 (1997): Introduced style sheets, scripting, and new elements.
  • HTML 4.01 (1999): Improved accessibility, internationalization, and new elements.
  • XHTML 1.0 (2000): A stricter, XML-based version of HTML.
  • HTML5 (2014): The latest version, with new features like:
    • Video and audio elements
    • Canvas and SVG elements
    • Web storage and web workers
    • Improved semantic elements (header, footer, nav, etc.)
Key Features of HTML5
  • Semantic Elements: Improved structure and meaning to web pages.
  • Multimedia Elements: Native support for video and audio.
  • Canvas and SVG: Dynamic graphics and animations.
  • Web Storage: Store data locally in the browser.
  • Web Workers: Run scripts in the background.
That's a good summary of the basics! Let me know when you're ready to move on to HTML Elements.

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